The placement of a drawing room in a home plays a significant role in influencing discussions, relationships, and overall harmony. According to Vastu Shastra, different zones in a house impact the nature of conversations, financial stability, and personal growth. Understanding these effects helps homeowners create a peaceful and positive environment.

Best Directions for a Drawing Room Based on Vastu Shastra:


  1. North-East (NE) & East-North-East (ENE)

A drawing room located in the North-East (NE) zone encourages discussions around religious matters and spirituality. Residents are more likely to establish connections with religious or spiritual individuals. On the other hand, a drawing room in the ENE zone ensures that guests are well-entertained, leading to enjoyable family gatherings.

  1. East

An east-facing drawing room is considered the best placement as it fosters understanding among individuals. Conversations in this zone mature over time, helping to build long-lasting social bonds.

  1. East-South-East (ESE)

This zone is known as the “zone of churning,” making discussions unproductive. Meetings here tend to be fruitless, and no beneficial conclusions are reached.

  1. South-East (SE) & South-South-East (SSE)

The South-East (SE) drawing room results in positive outcomes, but the discussions lack peacefulness. However, in the South-South-East (SSE) zone, meetings are harmonious, filled with agreements, and conducted gracefully.

  1. South & South-South-West (SSW)

A South-facing drawing room promotes relaxation. However, placing it in the South-South-West (SSW) zone can lead to financial losses, as this is the zone of disposal.